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Showing posts from October, 2017

What is your favorite thing about the street on which you live?

The street I live on is constantly changing yet familiar. I first encountered this street almost ten years ago. I watched as the trucks full of our furniture followed my parents and I down this street. I looked out the window to catch a glimpse of the pink azalea trees lining the sides of this street like a barricade. This street housed a few families but mostly trees. This street felt new and different and I was eager to explore it further and further. Now as I walk down this street I say hi to my many neighbors whom I have grown close with. I pass the green bushes that line this street missing the pink azaleas I once knew. I know each house and each family's story that lives on this street. I continue walking down this street as I reach the pool and tennis courts I visit weekly which I am glad I discovered. This street is home to many families but even more important, the many memories made.

Human Nature

I believe that as humans we are fundamentally good. As we grow, we are exposed to good and also bad. No matter where you grow up, how you grow up, with whom you grow up, you grow and change constantly. With all of this change and growth, people are naturally exposed to bad. It is your own decision how you react and deal with bad influences. Parenting can play a large role growing up as parents persuade their children in which direction they want. But at the end of the day, it solely comes down to your own decisions not your parents. My own experiences, religion, and even parenting have led to my beliefs. In the Bible, Adam and Eve are left in the garden. God instructs them not to eat from the tree of knowledge. Eventually Adam and Eve are tempted and persuaded to eat from the tree and decide to do it. God learns of this and Adam and Eve blame each other. In this story, God is like the parent trying to direct his children in which way to act. But again, even with influence, it was Ada

A&P Reading Response

In the short story A&P by John Updike, the main character Sammy encounters an out of the ordinary event while working at a local A&P grocery store. Sammy is working an average shift at the store to support his family, when a group of girls in bikinis walk in. Sammy observes the girls and eventually makes a brave decision to quit his job while standing in something he believes in. Through all of these events, we as the audience, learn quite a lot about Sammy through indirect characterization. Sammy is a very interesting character that makes a few questionable decisions. He is a dynamic character in the sense that he begins his shift bored and just following rules, and ends quitting and having a sudden change of heart. This is an example of Sammy being very impulsive and strong-willed to stand up for the girls. Sammy is also a round character based on him being very observant and judgmental yet sympathetic. He stereotypes and depicts the girls without knowing them, judging them

Fall Break Free Post

Bright and early, Friday morning, my mom dropped me off at a dingy apartment complex. I met with my friend as we both prepared for the next four days of constant school over our fall break. We climbed the wobbly stairs and opened the office building door. As we passed through the hall and reached the room we took deep breaths, dreading what was to come. We met our eight classmates we would be with for the next few days and our teacher. Immediately we were shown a shocking video of a girl and her friends getting into a car crash. At that point I knew, drivers ed was exactly as I predicted. Our extremely long days were spent taking notes from a textbook, watching pointless videos, and taking unnecessary breaks that only took up time. I noticed as each day began, everyone looked more exhausted than they had the day before. As my classmates and I reached the final day before the test, we all felt underprepared. We slowly started panicking wondering if we did not pay attention enough or i

Flash Story

At exactly 5:30 AM, the blaring alarm woke the four teenage girls from a deep sleep. They tossed and turned until Blaire realized what the day had in store. Blaire woke the others and they hurriedly showered, got dressed, brushed their teeth, combed their hair, and were out the door in less than twenty minutes. By 6:00 AM, Blaire, Kristen, Stella, and Skylar hopped into the jeep with excitement. At 6:15 the girls reached the highway, blasting the car speakers with their all-time favorite music. They enjoyed the early morning ride, laughing, texting, taking pictures and videos, until it stopped. At exactly 6:17 AM the jeep collided with an eighteen wheeler, rolled down the highway, as Blaire was halfway through what she didn't know would be her last text.