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Showing posts from March, 2018

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Spring break is by far the best break. Comes at a great time, when many are sick of school, ready to bake in the sun. Whether you are beach bound or bed bound, you are guaranteed to have a great time. Anything better than feeling drowned in school work.

Purple Hibiscus Response

So far, I am enjoying reading Purple Hibiscus by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie . Right away the timeline of events in the book is in a different order which I find interesting. The novel is separated into sections titled "Palm Sunday", "Before Palm Sunday", "After Palm Sunday", and "Present". This creates a sense of mystery as to what happens on Palm Sunday and why the novel is based off of this one day. Also with the sections, they are titled relating to the religious Palm Sunday. This shows the novel has a religious aspect which determines much of how the family lives. Another aspect of the book I find interesting is how much Papa controls his children's lives. He creates strict weekly schedules for his entire family. He also administers his children's participation in school and their grades. He holds Kambili and Jaja to extremely high expectations and does not accept anything lower than the best. An example of this is how disappointed he

Umbrella by Rihanna feat. Jay-Z

I chose to analyze the song Umbrella by Rihanna featuring Jay-Z. I focused my analysis on the chorus of the song. Immediately in the first line of the chorus, I notice a repetition of 's' and 'sh' sounds–sibilance–in "sun shine, we shine". In the next line I notice a euphony or repetition of smooth consonants such as l, r, and m. With these two sound patterns, especially used together, they make the song flow easily and create a smooth, pleasing image. Throughout the entire song, vivid imagery is used to describe how much the guy she is singing about means to her. The writer also uses enjambement and caesura to create significant pauses and focus on certain words or phrases. This stands out to the reader and causes the reader to think about the reason to significance of this technique used. Finally, I noticed a slant rhyme scheme, which is common in many songs.


Waking up at six, feeling like a ton of bricks. Not wanting to move, still not getting into the new groove. Reminiscing about summer, thinking about school being such a bummer. Made it to the car feeling like nothing near a star. Texting friends, happy we made amends. Arriving at school, makes me want to drool. Tools/techniques used: rhyme scheme (AABBCCDDEEFF), enjambment, hyperbole, cacophony

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This past weekend was pretty uneventful. Unfortunately I wasn't feeling well on Friday and had to miss Launch day. I was super disappointed because many people were telling me how fun it was going to be. After talking to my friends that went, they said it was very successful and they had a great time. On Saturday, I went to the mall with my friends for a few hours and shopped. On Sunday it was a beautiful day. My mom and I attended my little sister's soccer game where here team unfortunately lost. The team they played was a year older and much more advanced than her team. Overall my weekend was pretty uneventful which I enjoyed to give me time to relax and get a lot of homework finished.


Hearing about launch day for the first time, I was very confused. I knew it had to do with a group of seniors presenting their thesis projects but I didn't know about anything else, such as the schedule and how it worked. Unfortunately I was not able to be at school on Friday, so I did not get to experience launch day. However, I heard from one senior Wednesday and three on Thursday so I was able to hear a few of the presentations. My favorite from the ones I had heard on Thursday was Louise's about the power of social media and "It girls". I found this really interesting because her topic was very relevant to our society today and how these girls influence so much of most girl's lives. I could tell her thesis was on a topic she was passionate about and knew lots of information on. I also found it interesting because many girls I know, including myself, look up to the same girls she talked about.