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Showing posts from April, 2018

Strengths and Challenges

I feel that my strengths as a writer have significantly grown this year. Through writing different types of papers, I learned what my strengths and weaknesses were and what I enjoyed. I found that I was strong in writing personal narratives and blog posts which made me realize that I enjoyed creative writing. In these papers, I included strong word choice and voice, which included vivid detail and personality, originality, and passion. These aspects are important to these papers because they speak to the audience and make the reader interested in the paper. After writing my literary analysis and research paper, I found I struggled with these styles of writing. I found my organization in these papers to be a challenge. This includes the structure of my paper, such as the order of events, and making my paragraphs flow together seamlessly. I also found it difficult to stimulate ideas for which direction I wanted to take these papers in. I eventually decided on ideas after I took time

Hits and Misses

This year I was exposed to many different pieces of writing such as blog posts, literary analyses, research papers, and personal narratives. Some of these were more difficult than others. I struggled the most with the research paper. I found this difficult because it was extended over a long period of time and it was focused on one specific topic. While I did learn a lot about the topic I was writing about, I found it extremely difficult to write the actual paper. It was just piecing together information and I felt that I couldn't include much of my own opinion. The writing process for this paper is the longest I have ever experienced, and I did not enjoy this aspect of the paper.  The piece of writing I enjoyed the most and felt the most successful writing was the personal narrative. In this paper I used lots of vivid details and focused my paper on one very short specific moment. I like this type of writing because the vivid detail creates imagery causing the reader to reall

Reading Response

Throughout Purple Hibiscus by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, the main character and narrator Kambili, does not have much of a voice. She goes through so many traumatic experiences and so much stress in her daily life that she bottles it up. Her father holds extremely high expectations for her, constantly keeping her on edge. Before her trip to Nsukka, Kambili abided by what her father asked of her and was extremely polite, making it seem to others, such as girls at school or her cousins, that she didn't have a personality. She also gave off the impression that her wealth made her too good for others. While in Nsukka, Kambili builds up more confidence and meets people like Father Amadi who make her comfortable to express herself. She laughs and smiles for the first time in her life when surrounded by Aunty Ifeoma and her cousins, people she looked up to for their ability to be so comfortable and happy. Another aspect of the novel that I noticed was Papa's reaction every time he be

How has traveling affected you?

Traveling is something that almost everyone experiences. Wether traveling to another city, state, or even continent, you can experience or learn something new from it. I have been lucky enough to travel pretty often with my family or even alone. My family loves to travel and could do it all the time if possible. Unfortunately, my sister and I typically have a lot of commitments to sports, etc. that prevent us from traveling too often. However, we almost always travel over breaks such as Mardi Gras break, Christmas break, and Thanksgiving break. Up until last year, I had always traveled with my family or friends and had only been around the states. This changed last summer when I decided to travel to Maui, Hawaii alone! Now you're probably thinking how did I travel alone, and I wasn't completely alone. I traveled to Hawaii for a camp with boys and girls around my age from around the world. Going into this I was extremely excited to get to experience a new state I had dreamed a

Political Post

This past week, Judge Reinhardt died at the age of 87. He was a longtime liberal on the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. The Ninth Circuit has been difficult for conservatives to deal with due to its influence of liberals such as Judge Reinhardt. However, with this vacancy on the court, along with eight others, President Trump has an opportunity to change the court to his advantage by choosing who will take the openings. He has put forth two nominees, Mark Bennett and Ryan Bounds. Bennett has support from the two democratic senators, however Bounds does not. Despite efforts made by Senator Dianne Feinstein, the senior democrat on the Judiciary Committee, President Trump will choose a nominee much different than Judge Reinhardt. After reading this article, I find it interesting to see the split between the Democrats and Republicans when it comes to the courts and replacements. Even though the Democrats will oppose the nominees President Trump picks, I believe the