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Showing posts from January, 2018

Reading response

Absolutely True Diary of an Indian is a humorous book that includes important topics. The book is written from a teenagers perspective so it is funny. Junior writes about his experiences growing up as an Indian boy that goes to a white school. The format of the book is a diary so he draws many funny comics which make the book more interesting. Junior's writing makes the book very light-hearted even though he goes through challenging experiences. Junior lives on an Indian reservation but decides to move to a white school in another town nearby. As he does this, he experiences racial issues from both people on the reservation and students and teachers in his new school. He has an interesting home life with a drunk dad and a run away sister who moved to Montana. Balancing home and racial issues, Junior finds a way to make it all work.

Research post

My topic for my research paper is the stages of the Holocaust. I focused on how the Jewish people were treated during the Holocaust and how their treatment evolved. The Holocaust was a time when the Nazis systematically murdered almost six million European Jews. The Nazis murdered the Jews through a plan made to answer "The Jewish Question".  Through this extermination of the Jewish population, other groups were targeted as well. My topic is important due to the underlying aspect of anti-semitism throughout history. My categories for my paper are the historical context, Jewish rights taken away, ghettos, deportation, and camps. These are the stages I chose to represent the evolution of the treatment of the Jews. It started with their rights slowly being taken away such as their citizenship. Second, they were isolated to ghettos that were under resourced and housed thirty to forty Jews in one home. Next, they were packed into cattle cars with no water and many died. Finally,

Research Update

My research project has been surprisingly difficult for me. I typically have a pretty easy time writing papers but I have never written a research paper. I have a generally broad topic so finding sources is not a challenge. I found my sources pretty quickly but after that I ran into an issue. The challenge for me is finding sources with a lot of useful information and thinking of categories to divide my paper into. I came up with five different categories to divide my paper into but I do not feel completely confident in my choices. Once school resumes, I plan on going to my teachers for help in this area. Once I feel confident in my categories, I will begin the notecards. I have started a few notecards as part of my emergency closure assignment but am prepared to make changes.

Free Post

This past weekend my friend, her sister and friends, and our moms took a girls trip to New Orleans. My friend and I rode with her sister and her friends to New Orleans. On the way to the hotel we shopped at a few stores, stopped at a coffee shop, and took photos. Finally, we arrived at the hotel, checked in to our room, and rushed to get ready in time for dinner. We walked to dinner and were so excited for what was to come. After dinner, my friends and I hurried into an Uber and made our way to the Joy Theater in New Orleans. We stepped out of the car to have the bright neon sign greet us. After getting through security, we made our way to the general admission area. We pushed through the crowd to get to the front row! After waiting almost an hour, the band Milky Chance finally made their appearance on stage. The concert was amazing and it was the first time I had ever been that close to the stage.

New Semester Reflection

The fall semester was my first semester of high school which meant a lot to get used to. The three things I learned during the fall semester was to stop procrastinating, get more sleep, and use my tutorials and breaks for studying or doing homework. I procrastinate a lot and so I find myself cramming to complete assignments, papers, etc. on the due date. Procrastination can lead to late nights which leads to less and less sleep. I think the cause of all this procrastination and lack of sleep is being on my phone or computer. I learned to shut it off and sit down and study or do homework. From me turning off my phone and being more focused, I complete assignments faster and get more time to sleep. The third thing I learned from this past semester, is to utilize my tutorial and break times. I play sports every day after school; cheer, soccer, or sometimes both. Having extracurriculars and sports causes me to not have much time at home to do my schoolwork. Tutorial and break times are g